Feed Your Face

Eat your way to smoother, clearer, more radiant-looking skin by adding these eight super ingredients to your plate.


Peppers are super high in vitamin C, which we need to create collagen which keeps skin firm and strong, and a single red pepper can provide up to 169% of the Reference Daily Intake. Vitamin C is found at high levels in the epidermis (outer layer of skin) and the dermis (inner layer of skin). Its cancer-fighting (antioxidant) benefits help keep your skin healthy. This is why vitamin C is one of the key ingredients found in many anti-ageing skincare products. Peppers are also packed with vitamin E, which can help reduce UV damage and vitamin A which is an essential nutrient that supports skin health. 

Oily fish

Salmon and mackerel are not only delicious but are also incredibly rich in nutrients. Loaded with omega-3, these tasty fish can help combat dry skin and reduce inflammation, which can cause redness and acne. They can even make your skin less sensitive to the sun's harmful UV rays (but always use sunscreen).


High in healthy fats, which benefit many functions in your body, including your skin's health, regular avocado with brunch should help keep skin supple and moisturised. 


Small but mighty, walnuts are a good source of essential omega-3 and omega-6, zinc, vitamin E, selenium and protein—all of which are nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy. Sprinkle on salads or as a porridge topping for added glow.

Sunflower seeds

An excellent source of skin-boosting goodness, sunflower seeds also contain vitamin E, an important antioxidant for the skin—cue guilt-free snacking or perfect for adding crunch to salads.

Sweet potatoes

Containing beta carotene, sweet potatoes help keep your skin healthy by acting as a natural sunblock. How? The antioxidant is absorbed into the skin and helps protect cells from sun exposure. This may help prevent sunburn, cell death, and dry, wrinkled skin.


Full of vitamins and minerals essential for skin health, including zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C, broccoli boasts a potent blend of nourishing properties. It also contains a carotenoid called lutein which works like beta carotene. Lutein helps protect your skin from oxidative damage, which can cause your skin to become dry and wrinkled.

Red grapes 

Red grapes contain resveratrol, a compound that comes from their skin. Resveratrol is credited with a wide range of health benefits, including reducing the effects of ageing. But before you rush off to open that bottle of red, it's not thought the benefits make it through to the wine-making process. Sorry!