Free Sports Sessions Across Scotland

Fancy kicking off the new year by trying out a new sport? Well, thanks to Scottish potato brand, Albert Bartlett, you can do just that - without putting your hand in your pocket.

Having partnered with 115 venues across Scotland the extensive menu of complimentary sporting sessions means there is something for everyone. From football, gymnastics, tennis and yoga to the more alternative classes including; shinty, trampolining, climbing, martial arts, fencing, kickboxing and various water sports. All you have to do to sign up is buy a promotional pack of Albert Bartlett Rooster potatoes.

The on-pack promotion runs till the end of February and Michael Jarvis, Head of Marketing at Albert Bartlett, had this to say: ‘With many people entering the new year with a healthy mindset, the sports sessions are an excellent way to get fit and active in a fun and exciting way. We’ve tried to offer as wide a variety as possible so people can choose something totally up their street, whether that’s a sport they already enjoy or something completely different that they fancy taking up.

‘The activities are suitable for families too and make for a great day out, particularly in January which can be tedious at the best of times. To take part, just pick up a promotional pack of Albert Bartlett Rooster potatoes to claim your free session.’

*Customers have until July 30, 2022, to redeem the voucher and until August 31 to have their session.