Working from home? These top tips will help you to stay productive


The past week has seen an unprecedented shift in daily life in Scotland, as the coronavirus pandemic escalates. With the workforce encouraged to work from home wherever possible, you might well now find yourself unsure of how to proceed, particularly if you’ve only ever worked in your official environment before.

So, if you’re staring at the walls and wondering how on earth to tackle your to-do list, and how to stay calm with the rest of the house also working from home, fear not. Follow our top tips and make your new way of working a breeze. And of course, it’s only temporary for most of us, so with a positive mindset, we can all get through this tricky time.

stick to your regular routine

That means - get up when you usually would, and get ready for work. Set your alarm for a regular time, and spend your ‘commute’ effectively - do an at-home workout, tidy up a room, or go for a walk around the block (keeping a responsible distance from others, of course). Take breaks when you would normally, including a proper lunch break, and switch off your devices and work accounts at your usual closing time.

get dressed

Tempting as it may be, don’t be lured into spending the day in your pyjamas. You won’t be as productive, we promise you. Instead, choose comfy but smart clothes, and do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel ready to face the day - members of the Hood team recommend doing your makeup, popping on some jazzy earrings or even wearing your shoes indoors, to help you feel like you’re actually going to work.

stay in touch

A daily Skype or WhatsApp video call with colleagues can help you get into the right frame of mind for work. Especially at a time where we’re socially distancing and spending a lot of time in solitude, it’s a great way to socialise, have some fun and feel more energised about your workload, as well as actually making plans, dividing the workload and understanding what everybody else is working on.

make the most of technology

Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, Trello… they’re all there to make working easier, especially remote working. Familiarise yourself with these systems, if you haven’t already, and use them to their best advantage whilst you’re working from home.

stick to a to-do list

To make sure you’re just as productive at home as you would be in the office, make a to-do list every day, and aim to get it all ticked off in time. Think about what’s doable, as some projects realistically will have to wait, and plan accordingly. You’ll stay attentive and focused with some goals to stick to.

create a dedicated work space

This is a luxury we may not all have, but if you can, set yourself up a dedicated working-from-home space - and we don’t mean your bed. If you have a home office or a spare room, then make the most of it - if not, try to choose a quiet corner (near a window, and near some snacks!) and set up there. Try not to use that space for anything else, keep it as your working space and when the working day is over, you can walk away until the next day. Even if you’re having to use your dining table, try and clear your work equipment away for the evening.

take breaks

It’s strange but true - many of us will feel a strange sense of guilt when we’re working from home, or feel worried that we’re not doing ‘enough’. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take breaks. Think about it - at work, you take bathroom breaks, you step outside to answer calls, you take ten minutes out to make a tea and catch up in the kitchen, you might spend 20 minutes in the afternoon chatting with colleagues and having a laugh. Nobody is 100% productive, 100% of the time. Cut yourself some slack and don’t be afraid to take 10 minutes for a short break if you feel that you need to - and seeing as we’re all staying indoors for the foreseeable, don’t be afraid to take a walk around the corner if you need to, or have a cup of tea in the garden to get some fresh air.

get good snacks in

The first rule of freelancers is to make sure the fridge is fully stocked! Which, given the current situation, it might well be already. But make sure you have some incentives to keep you feeling upbeat during these somewhat tricky days - whether that’s a biscuit, some great coffee, or a breakfast pastry. You can also order a takeaway option from your local small businesses if you feel the need - that’s a win-win!

don’t sit in silence

Whilst we’re not advocating that you stick on a box set and while away the hours, half-looking at your screen, you shouldn’t be sat in silence, either. Figure out what works for you - maybe it’s the radio, maybe it’s a Spotify playlist, perhaps it’s the news. Maybe it’s daytime TV - shocker. Whatever it is, find a balance that helps to lift your mood and keep you feeling stimulated and alert, and able to focus on your work.